Green Solutions Centre - Københavns Universitet’s Post [Video]

The restoration of wetlands is considered one of the most effective tools to reduce CO2 emissions from Danish agriculture. However, the process is slow, and neither the pace nor scale of the current measurements is ambitious enough, given the seriousness of the climate and biodiversity crises 🔥 🌾 🚜 Therefore, we will, in the debate, “Udtagning af lavbundsjorde – er en jordreform nødvendig?” at Folkemødet 2023, discuss the restoration of wetlands and whether an agricultural reform is necessary. In this debate, experts from the University, the government and private organisations will come together to discuss why the restoration of wetlands is happening so slowly and what can be done about it. The panellists are Thor Gunnar Kofoed (Landbrug og Fødevarer), Jakob Vesterlund Olsen (Københavns Universitet), Irene Wiborg (SEGES), Jesper Riis Christiansen (Københavns Universitet), Thyge Nygaard (Danmarks Naturfredningsforening), Andersen Bendt Egede (Naturstyrelsen) and Stine Krøijer (Københavns Universitet). The debate moderator is Line Friis Frederiksen. It’s all happening on June 17th at 14:00. We hope to see you there! Read more about the debate and Folkemødet here: Københavns Universitet - University of Copenhagen, Landbrug og Fødevarer, Dansk Svineproduktion, SEGES Innovation, Danmarks Naturfredningsforening, Naturstyrelsen #folkemødet #lavbundsjorde #agriculture #landbrug #greentransition

Morten Friis

Folkelig involvering i klimapolitisk udvikling, implementering og demokratisk fornyelse


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