|  |  | Renovation of SPF 10.4 – all breeding mice have been relocated to SPF 10.2
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 |  |  |  | We are pleased to inform that we have been able to relocate all mice from SPF 10.4 to SPF 10.2, and thereby maintaining the SPF status of all breeding mice. This has been possible with cooperation from our users who have reduced the number of breeding mice in the SPFs and relocated non-breeding mice ≥ 8 weeks of age to experimental units. We would very much like to thank all our users for their understanding and cooperation. Status of the refurbishing project is as follows: The unit will be handed over to Campus Service (CAS) June 1st. CAS and the architectural firm DISSING+WEITLING is responsible for the outline design, tender design and detailed design, and construction work will according to schedule start January 2025. We expect to have a fully refurbished and operational unit by the end of 2025.
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 |  | Introduction to policies
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 |  |  |  | The Department of Experimental Medicine and the Animal Welfare Body (Dyrevelfærdsorgan, DVO) will in the future put more focus on guidance documents for researchers conducting animal experiment, for use when planning animal procedures at the University of Copenhagen. Guidance documents can consist of policies or guidelines. Other relevant information may be given as well. Policies will be required when conducting animal experiments at the animal facilities, whereas guidelines provide guidance for best practice. Other relevant information will support both types of guidance documents. The guidance documents will be available from our homepage. The first documents available are presented below.
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 |  |  |  |  | Policy for survival surgery |  |  |  |  |
 | AEM has prepared a policy for survival surgery on experimental animals. The policy includes descriptions of necessary standards for education and training of personnel, designated surgical area, use of approved anesthesia and analgesia, aseptic technique including preparation of the animal and surgeon, sterilization of surgical instruments and equipment, intra-operative monitoring and post-operative care. The full text of the policy can be read here. The policy has been developed in consequence of the new (2023) legal "AOD" function (responsible for compliance with animal experimentation rules, in Danish "Ansvarlig person for Overholdelse af Dyreforsøgsreglerne") and expectations from our accrediting institution, AAALAC. A consequence of the AOD function is that the responsibility for competences of personnel is shared between the license holder and AEM. The policy will be officially implemented on 1 July 2024. For researchers performing survival surgery, the policy means that AEM will check for qualifications and possibly direct the person to a training activity.
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 |  |  |  |  | Policy for single housing of animals |  |  |  |  |
 | AEM has developed a policy for single housing of animals.
Most of the animals that are used in AEM are flock-living species with a strong attachment to their companions, and single housing therefore has a negative impact on animal welfare. Unfortunately, single housing cannot always be avoided, and written guidelines are needed. Please keep in mind that single housing must be avoided, and if it is not possible, it should be as short-lasting as possible and there must be a relevant justification for having the animals. The policy includes the following: When there is a singly housed animal in a cage, the cage must be labelled. There must be communication between AEM and researcher about single-housed animals, and there must be a plan for the animals. Single housed animals must have extra enrichment. There must be a documented and acceptable reason why the animal is single housed.
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 |  |  |  |  | Expired reagents, special diets, medicine, anaesthesia etc. must be labelled correctly
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 | If it is determined that: chemicals, medications, test substances, biological material, diet, other liquids, and/or other materials have expired, or do not have the authorized storage label attached, the animal caretakers will label them for removal 4 weeks from the current date. After the 4-week period the items will be disposed. This sign includes instructions in detail and is posted around the facility
Please note that this will now apply to the entire AEM facility, and not just refrigerators and freezers.
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 |  |  |  |  | How to handle formalin in AEM
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 | Please read the instructions, which include information on precautions, storage, cleaning, and disposal when handling formalin.
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 |  | Buprenorphine extended-release injectable suspension is now available
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 |  |  |  | AEM has obtained permission from The Danish Medicines Agency to prescribe and use Ethiqa XR – a buprenorphine extended-release product developed for control of post-procedural pain in mice, rats and ferrets. Ethiqa XR delivers up to 72 hours of demonstrated clinical analgesia with one subcutaneous injection. The Danish Animal Experiments Inspectorate has accepted that replacing existing buprenorphine protocols with Ethiqa XR can be done without an amendment application. Please notice, that the use of Ethiqa XR does not change the frequency of post-operative monitoring, which must always be according to the experimental license. AEM encourage all users performing survival surgery to consider if the use of Ethiqa XR could be relevant for their project. It is our believe that Ethiqa XR could be a major improvement to post-operative animal welfare for all our rodents. The exact price is not yet known, but is estimated to be between DKK 5,000-5,500 per vial, it may however depend on the volume imported at a time. It is estimated that one vial can treat 20 rats (200g) and 60 mice (20g). For us to start an import, we need to know if you would like to use Ethiqa XR and how many vials you want to order. The first import takes approximately 2 months, but subsequent imports are expected to take less time. Due to the cost AEM cannot at this point maintain a stock you can order from, so planning is essential. If you want to place an order for Ethiqa XR or if you have any questions, please contact AEM veterinarians at emed-medicin@sund.ku.dk. You can read more about the product here.
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 |  | Charles River & The Jackson Laboratory Seminar Series
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Date: May 13, 2024, 13.15-17.00 Location: Victor Haderup Auditorium, University og Copenhagen, Panum Blegdamsvej 3B, 2200 Copenhagen N Registration and information.
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